Market Street Corridor Study

The Market Street Corridor Study is a data-driven comprehensive planning and engineering study that assessed public safety, public health, environmental, and transportation concerns along Market Street (PA Route 45) in the Historic District of Lewisburg Borough. The study area consists of a nine-block section of Market Street through Downtown Lewisburg, from the intersection of Market Street & US Route 15 to the Market Street Bridge over the West Branch of the Susquehanna River.
Early in 2019, the Borough of Lewisburg, its citizens, and its partnering institutions and organizations came together for the mutual purpose of seeking a better understanding of the impacts of heavy vehicle traffic along Market Street, now and in the future. An engineering consulting team was hired to perform technical data research and analysis, such as: pedestrian, car and truck counts, speed studies, crash analyses, traffic signal phasing analyses, sound level and vibration analyses, pavement studies, as well as merchant and safety survey inquiries.

Five core concerns emerged from the study: Public Health and Safety; Integrity of the Historic District; Economic Viability and Vitality of the Downtown; Public and Private Infrastructure; and Overall Quality of Life.

Click on the links below to read the study and appendices.

Final Market Street Corridor Traffic Study

Appendix A – Letters of Support Appendix B – Traffic Signal Diagrams Appendix C – Automatic Traffic Recorder Data Appendix D – Miovision Traffic Data
Appendix E – Traffic Volume Figures Appendix F – Crash Analysis Figure Appendix G – Signal Clearance Time Calculations Appendix H – Capacity Analysis Worksheets
Appendix I – Pedestrian Delay Calculations Appendix J – Noise and Vibration Study – Terra-Mechanics Inc Appendix K – Core Boring Reports – Stahl Sheaffer Appendix L – Letter from Fire Chief
Appendix M – Feedback from Public Meeting Appendix N – Market Street Corridor Survey on Safety Appendix O – Completed Market Street Corridor Study Feedback Forms

Appendix P – 2000 Lewisburg Borough Comprehensive Plan Excerpts

Trick or Treat – Change

The Borough of Lewisburg will have Trick or Treat Saturday, November 2nd from 6 PM to 9 PM.


The Final Public Presentation on the Market Street Corridor Study has been set for
Wednesday, October 16th at 6 pm
(doors will open at 5:30 pm)
at the Campus Theater in Downtown Lewisburg.

The Market Street Corridor Study is a data-driven comprehensive planning and engineering study that has assessed public safety, public health, environmental, and transportation concerns along Market Street (PA Route 45) in the Historic District of Lewisburg Borough, Union County, PA. The study area consists of a nine-block section of Market Street through pedestrian-friendly Downtown Lewisburg, from the intersection of Market Street & US Route 15 to the Market Street Bridge over the West Branch of the Susquehanna River.

Early in 2019, the Borough of Lewisburg, its citizens, and its partnering institutions and organizations came together for the mutual purpose of seeking a better understanding of the impacts of heavy vehicle traffic along Market Street, now and in the future. An engineering consulting team was hired to perform technical data research and analysis, such as: pedestrian, car and truck counts, speed studies, crash analyses, traffic signal phasing analyses, sound level and vibration analyses, as well as merchant and safety survey inquiries.

Five core concerns emerged from the study: Public Health and Safety; Integrity of the Historic District; Economic Viability and Vitality of the Downtown; Public and Private Infrastructure; and Overall Quality of Life.

The presentation will be made by the Borough of Lewisburg and their consulting engineer, Traffic Planning and Design, Inc. The presentation will walk through a summary of the project results as well as what the conclusions and recommendations are for the Lewisburg Borough Council and other partners to consider as the next steps.

Please join us for the Public Meeting on October 16th to hear the findings of this important study!

For questions please contact Kim Wheeler, Lewisburg Special Projects Coordinator at or (570) 523-3614.

Market Street Corridor Traffic Study

The Final Public Presentation on the Market Street Corridor Traffic Study has been postponed.  It will not be held at the Fire Hall on July 9th.  The Borough and the Engineering Consultant Team continue to work through the important data collection and analysis for this project.  This is a significant project for Lewisburg and we look forward to sharing the results with you when they are ready.  We will be in touch with a new date as soon as it is confirmed.  Please stay tuned.

Full-Time Accounting Clerk I Position Available

The Borough is currently accepting applications for a full time Accounting Clerk I to handle Payroll and Accounts Payable.  Below you will find the advertisement and job description for this position.  Also below is an application for your use.

Accounting Clerk I Advertisement

Accounting Clerk I Job Description

Application for Employment

Market Street Corridor Transportation Study Feedback Forms

What is the Market Street Transportation Corridor Study?  Learn more about it FAQs SHEET Market St. Study_043019

Public Feedback is intended to be a significant portion of the Lewisburg Market Street Corridor Transportation Study.  In addition to the engineering data being collected, it is important for Lewisburg to include community concerns, issues, and feedback as part of the “public record” of this important study.  Please complete the Public Comment Form below and take the 4-Question survey by May 31, 2019.  All responses will be recorded as part of the public record of this project.  Please invite others to provide their feedback too!

Please download the Feedback Form below and return it as instructed at the bottom of page 1 by May 31st.  The Word document allows you to type in text and insert images directly into the document.  The PDF will need to be printed and filled out by hand.  Both forms are exactly the same.

PDF:  Lewisburg Feedback Form

Word:  Lewisburg Feedback Form

Please take the following 4-Question Survey to help us better understand your current experience on Market Street: